Joy is Resistance!
you can make it happen

Traditional prayer flags are used to promote peace, compassion, strength, and wisdom. The flags do not carry prayers to gods, which is a common misconception: rather, the Tibetans believe the prayers and mantras will be blown by the wind to spread the good will and compassion across the land.

Thanks Bullies!
of Art Philadelphia

Create your own medicine
and spread JOY!
Our first project started in a recycle center. There was a room full of stacks of black felt and we bought them up to make these bracelets. We used a machine to add trim and repurposed found items. We stuffed them in old prescription bottles that we collected, glued a label on and dropped in many random places, including open purses.
Reverse pick pocket
Joybully style
BE A JOYBULLY and make a small gift to randomly give away! Feel free to use our label (screen shot) and any recycle container!
We can send you a bracelet kit, a label and an empty prescription bottle. Visit our shop.

IC alacritas granulatio libita
paraphrased from latin:
Enthusiastic pleasure of joy
Make a TIMEPEACE to give
click here for a 5min instructional video
visit our shop to get a home made timepiece!