How about we all share a New Year’s resolution and Make America Great Again?! It is hard to argue with the idea of making something great again. Isn’t something always better if it is greater? Who doesn’t want something greater? Trump’s line, “Make America Great Again” is a clever slogan, like “pro-life”; it is effective branding. Pro-life provokes an idea of compassion and inclusivity, but in reality it simply means anti-choice. Make America Great Again seems like a patriotic endeavor. Hmmm? Do you feel greater yet? Sound bites and catch phrases are now the way the general public becomes informed on today’s complex issues. Clearly our country is politically divided. We are living in doublespeak times, a term derived from George Orwell’s prolific novel, 1984. Doublespeak combines Orwell’s terms “doublethink” and “Newspeak”. Doublespeak coined in the 1950’s describes the deliberate distortion of speech to manipulate the truth. Our president and his supporters think that he commands our three branches of government, and if one American believes that, it’s one too many. Now that America is less great than it was, perhaps we can all try to make things a little greater.

5. Please copy and send this simple graphic that explains our constitutional checks and balances.
Mitch Mc Connell President D.
Russell Senate Office Mar-A-Largo
Building #317 1100 South Ocean Blvd. Washington DC 20510 Palm Beach, FLA 33480

4. Send a letter to Susan Collins asking her to be a good sister. She claims to be pro-choice but has supported Trump’s anti-choice Supreme Court Justices. Huffington Post June 2019
And kindly ask her not to run again, unless she has the courage to stand up for her own beliefs. Make Susan Collins, at least, Good Enough Again.
Susan Collins
One Canal Plaza Suite 802,
Portland, ME 04101

3. Poor Rudy Guilianni is so confused. He thought he was writing to Santa hoping for a new job, but instead his employment lie on Facebook was discovered. On Christmas Eve, while Rudy was waiting for Santa (no one had the heart to tell him that he is on the naughty list) his Facebook feed boasted that he was a former US Attorney General Rudy lies. Help him find out what job he is suited for, because it is not the president’s lawyer. Send him this job quiz link.
Rudy Guilianni
295 Greenwich St, #371
NY, NY 10007

2. Okay, this is for real. YOU WILL NEED TO TAKE ACTION. We can’t leave it all up to Greta and the kids. They need us and our resources: Time and/or Money. The folks at Pod Save America provide ideas for how to most effectively use your resources where it matters most. Change will not result from Facebook posts and bumper stickers. We are in it now citizens. Check this out and do something, anything-click on this link: ACT NOW! We are organizing a fundraiser for Fair Fight on April 4th on the North Shore of Boston. You should organize a fundraiser to help preserve and promote equitable voting rights! For more information about our event- write us at beajoybully@gmail.com

1. We all need to be kinder to ourselves and each other. It might be just that simple. Change into our comfortable shoes and a zipper up cardigan and be nice. Make Kindness Great Again. Make Kindness Mighty. Being kind is good for your health. We know that because we also know angry vengeful people, and they don’t look so good.
Happy New Year Folks and get active!